Learning Environments

  Kayak Tools

As the culmination of the AT Certificate program, EDSE 610- Designing Environments was the penultimate use of all skills learned in a program!  T
he focal point was adapting the environment in consideration of the strengths and weaknesses of the people involved.  EDIT 705  - Instructional Design, identified the characteristics of the environment and best modes of learning, to design an instructional program.  It introduced the need for and benefits of the iterative process also highlighted in EDIT 730 - Analysis and Design of Hypermedia/Multimedia Learning Environments, EDIT 752 - Design and Production of Multimedia/Hypermedia Learning Environments, and EDRS 812 - Qualitative Methods in Education Research.  EDIT 747 - Technology and Teacher Education visited connections with teachers which is important when determining how to influence them to view AT as a viable tool for students with special needs.  EDIT 742 - Gaming and Robotics stressed the immense possibilities in educational environments and opportunities for learning.   

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