What is Last

What is the last part of the golden circle for good reason, it really is dependent on your why and your how. People will say that content is king. Good content is helpful, it is going to be what really hooks people, but it is far from the most important thing in design. After-all, focusing solely on content can lead to very bad designs and leads to clutter. Then all of that content goes to waste. To put it simply; it doesn’t matter how good a pizza is if you can’t deliver it. That’s why what is last.

Let us return to the art student. She has a clear mission in creating her site and has worked out how to achieve that mission. Now comes the what. What is she going to do? What is she going to put on her site? What is she going to write for her bio? What font will she use? All she needs to do is remember why she created the site; to impress. She doesn't want to do a sloppy job with uneven spacing. She wants to put only her best work on the site so that people see her best. She is going to write a honest yet inspire tale of her life up to that point. And she is going to pick a font that will stand out yet fits with the tone of her website and art. By asking why it is easy to figure out the what. So remember when you are designing your website why is the way. Follow the golden circle and soon you’ll find everything you design will be clean, efficient, and it will do what you wanted it too.
