Elleka Watts' New Century College Website

profile image

Hello! My name is Elleka Watts and this is my New Century College Website!
Here you will find information on what I have done in the NCLC courses of 110, 120, 130, and 140.
On this website you will find not only the courses that I have explored, but also any individual and group projects I have completed while taking them.

Feel free to take a look around and enjoy!  :-)

book clipart
NCLC 110: Community of Learners Website
globe clipart NCLC 120: The Natural World Web Site
technology clipart
NCLC 130: The Social World Web Site
citizen clipart NCLC 140: Self as Citizen Web Site

Email me at ewatts1@gmu.edu

New Century College

GMU Responsible Use of Computing Policy

Copyright and the Internet

Last updated on 12/02/07.

© Copyright 2007 Elleka Watts

Image citations:
Book clip art: http://www.ala.org/Images/ALSC/ACF399F.jpg
Globe clip art: http://www.barberton.lib.oh.us/images/TR00262_%5B1%5D.gif
Technology clip art: http://www.almc.army.mil/ALOG/issues/MarApr00/MS535.htm
American flag clip art: http://www.free-clipart-pictures.net/flag_clipart.html