Elleka's NCLC 120 Site


Welcome to the NCLC 120 site! Here you will find everything I have learned in Unit 2 during my NCC Freshman Experience! On this site are various spreadsheets, journal logs, projects, and letters I have completed over the duration of this course. The material here mainly focuses on the natural world and mathematics. Take a look around and I hope you enjoy!
Note that some of these projects were group interactive. I am part of Seminar E, Study Group 5 for this unit. If you'd like to check out my group members' sites, here are their links:
Megan Mitchell
Danielle Morin
Benjamin Helman
Kenneth Harris

MathWeb Spreadsheets

Topic 1 Part 3: Pond Analysis
Topic 2 Part 1: Linear Growth
Topic 2 Part 2: Exponential Growth

Learning Logs 1 - 7

LLog1 - CH 1 - The Bloodless Fish of Bouvet Island

LLog2 - CH 2 - The Everyday Math of Evolution: Chance, Selection, and Time
LLog3 - CH 3 - Immortal Genes: Running in Place for Eons
LLog4 - CH 4 - Making the Old from the New
LLog5 - CH 6 - Déjà Vu: How and Why Evolution Repeats Itself
LLog6 - CH 7 - Our Flesh and Blood: Arms Races. the Human Race, and Natural Selection

LLog7 - CH 8 - The Making and Evolution of Complexity (HTML Link)

Photoshop Projects

Photoshop Cell Drawing
(click link for larger version)


Photoshop Sketch Assignment

Chicken Skeleton
(click link for larger version)

Sizes of original images
watts_chicken_150 = 363KB
watts_chicken_72 = 118KB


smin SMIN (Science and Math in the News)

Article One: "Singing in the Brain"
Article Two: "Music and Language are Processed by the Same Brain Systems
Written Report
Powerpoint Presentation

letters Discovery Project

Final Advocacy Letter
Final Support Document
birds Self Selected Assignment

Wildlife at the Occoquan Bay National Wildlife Refuge

Email me at: ewatts1@gmu.edu

NCLC 120: The Natural World, Fall 2007

Last updated on 12/02/07.

© Copyright 2007 Elleka Watts

Image Citations:
Mathweb clipart: http://www.ancillae.org/images/clipart_numbers.gif
LLog clipart: http://www.leics.gov.uk/lgfl_boy_reading_clipart.gif
Photoshop clipart: http://www.corcoranjaycees.org/images/2005%20Events/camera%20clip%20art.gif
SMIN clipart: http://www.iafflocal4273.org/images/ClipArt-Newspaper.jpg
Letters clipart: http://www.fotosearch.com/comp/ART/ART165/CTG056.jpg
Wildlife clipart: http://www1.istockphoto.com/file_thumbview_approve/804341/2/istockphoto_804341_eagle_silhouettes.jpg

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