Elleka's NCLC 140 Site

Welcome to my NCLC 140: Self As a Citizen Website! The content of this unit's webpage consists of a small e-portfolio for this final unit of New Century College. The e-portfolio includes a hypertext essay about the relationship between citizenship and place, plus it has associated pictures and external links.

Unfortunately I do not have my study group's contact information to provide links to their e-portfolio webpages as I have previously done with my Units 1, 2, and 3 websites. So I am not able to provide such information.

citizenship NCC Unit Four Hypertext Essay

How Place Shapes My Values of Citizenship

Email me at: ewatts1@gmu.edu

NCLC 140: Self As Citizen, Spring 2008

Last updated on 04/30/08.

© Copyright 2007 Elleka Watts

Image citations:
Citizenship Pic: http://www.gothamgazette.com/graphics/fc.2003.08.25.inside.jpg

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