How Place Shapes My Values of Citizenship
Created by Elleka Watts

Candy World!!!


Welcome to my website on Place and Citizenship! As a requirement of New Century College, the faculty has assigned all of the students to design a webpage to feature information about a place in our lives that has shaped our notions of citizenship. I chose my current workplace, Candy World as the focus for this assignment. Candy World has shaped my notions of citizenship by means of its location, my experiences of working with the staff, and by handling the store products that our company sells, too. 


This part of my essay explains the specific location of Candy World - where it is, the relationship to the mall the store is in, etc. Also based off of the store's relative and absolute locations to the mall and the outer community, here I explain the ways its location has influenced my views on citizenship. I also use many course readings throughout Unit Four as references to convey some of the larger, more important ideas too.


This section of my essay describes many of the employers and employees who I work with at my job at Candy World. My focus of this section of the essay revolves around the human interaction I have with people of different ages and ethnicities in the workplace and how those individuals have affected my sense of citizenship. I also incorporate Unit Four readings to help articulate my argument of how the staff I work with shapes my citizenship.


The last section of my essay, Products, includes information about the specific comanpies that sell items to our store, along with some of the specific products we sell to our customers as well. Dealing with international companies who provides us shipments of their products to sell to others has helped me understand a bit about the global market, which is a big factor that has shaped my citizenship. To convey these ideas, I have used Unit Four course texts as well.


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