Elleka's NCLC 130 Site

Snuffles, Tyrone, Commodore Peaches, and Mr. Peckles all say, "Rawrawr rawr!" which means "Yay! We love Art!"

Welcome to my NCLC 130 website! On this webpage you will find everything I have learned in Unit 3 dealing with subjects such as art, history, and information technology. Below are various projects and assignments I've worked on throughout the NCLC 130 course, so take a look if you'd like and enjoy!
With each new unit comes a new study group! So check below for a list of my study group members and links to their websites to learn about their NCLC experiences as well:
Chris Pyon
Emma Bailey
Zachary Davis


Integrative Project

Integrative Project #1: Photo Essay


Electronic Portfolio

Click here to take a look!

Email me at: ewatts1@gmu.edu

NCLC 130: The Social World, Fall 2007

Last updated on 03/04/08.

© Copyright 2007 Elleka Watts

Image Citations:
Photo Essay Clipart: http://home.student.uva.nl/joakim.metekohij/MovieCamera_clipart.jpg
Electronic Portfolio Clipart: http://clerccenter.gallaudet.edu/Priorities/images/portfolios.gif

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