Elleka's NCLC 110 Site


Welcome to the NCLC 110 site! Here you will find information for this web design as well as two specific projects I worked on in Quantitative Reasoning during Unit I. The first is the Excel Spreadsheet which has results from our cohort pertaining to different variables and then the Group Observation Project. This project features a study done by my study group (Seminar C, Group 2). Here are their websites if you'd like to check them out too!
Amanda Nicoll
Jacob Marsh
Jon Parker
Kyle Yen

Aesthetics clipart Statement on Design and Aesthetic Decisions
excelclipart Excel Spreadsheet
groupclipart Group Observation Project

Email me at: ewatts1@gmu.edu

NCLC 110: Community of Learners, Fall 2007

Last updated on 12/02/07.

© Copyright 2007 Elleka Watts

Image Citations:
Aesthetics clipart: http://www.fotosearch.com/comp/SUE/SUE104/BWBW0341.jpg
Excel clipart: http://www.bharattimes.com/Images/Clipart_Pen_and_paper.gif
Group clipart: http://clerccenter.gallaudet.edu/tpd/news/images/feb02-page5.gif

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