Elleka's Statement on Design and Aesthetic Decisions


Welcome to the Statement on Design and Aesthic Decisions page! This site includes my description of how I have designed this website and reasons for why I chose to do it that way. Enjoy!


I chose a simple approach to designing this website with a black, white, red, and gray color scheme. The reason I had chosen these colors was not just for simplicity but because I find them to be very bold, abstract colors which in a way relates to my personality and individual outlook. Also, the colors are pleasing to the eye and easy to read, too.

I wish to demonstrate a knowledgeable and professional tone / mood for my website. I want the viewer to see that this site is for the purpose of conveying what I have done and learned in NCC as well as to demonstrate that I have a grasp on Information Technology and web building.  Consequently, I organized everything in a structured fashion positioned in the center of the screen, and also used a formal font – Garamond. Like Times New Roman or Courtier, Garamond has a similar “textbook” look to it unlike that of Comic Sans or other illegible script fonts.

For the visual images, again simplicity was the key and I found the clipart as the best option. Not to mention, they have more of a professional appeal from my viewpoint, and professionalism is something I value highly - particularly with my work. The particular images used relate in one fashion or another to the topic at hand. For instance, at the main site under NCLC: 110 Community of Learners, I used a clipart picture of a book. A book is a generally known symbol for education or learning, so I found it suitable to put it there. All of the other images follow in a similar fashion, too.


Email me at: ewatts1@gmu.edu

Last updated on 12/02/07.

© Copyright 2007 Elleka Watts

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