Relationship of Artifacts to IDD Competencies

The group work and assignments of the IDD program have provided me with strong knowledge and skills on implementing sounds instructional design principles in educational and corporate learning environments using current and emerging technologies. Below is a self-evaluation table illustrating the IDD competencies proficiency levels and related artifacts.

What Is IDD Competencies

"ibstpi® defines a competency integrated set of skills, knowledge, and attitudes that enables one to effectively perform the activities of a given occupation or function to the standards expected in employment. The ibstpi® competencies are statements of behavior - not personality traits or beliefs, but they do often reflect attitudes. ibstpi® competencies are correlated with performance on a job and are typically measured against commonly accepted standards"(IBSTPI site).
"The International Board of Standards for Training, Performance and Instruction (ibstpi®) is a not-for-profit corporation that provides leadership to the community by setting the standards"(IBSTPI site).

Table of IDD Competencies Gained From Artifacts

Instructor Competencies

Professional Foundations

Competencies Artifact Proficient Somewhat Proficient Not Proficient Not Addressed
Communicate effectively EDIT 704, EDIT 705,EDIT EDIT 730, EDIT 611, EDIT 772, EDIT 575, GAME 599, EDIT 732, EDIT 752, EDIT 575 X
Update and improve one’s professional knowledge and skills EDIT 704, EDIT 705, EDIT 526 ,EDIT 730, EDIT 611, EDIT 772, EDIT 575, GAME 599, EDIT 571, EDIT 732, EDIT 752, EDIT 575, EDIT 601, EDIT701 X
Comply with established ethical and legal standards EDIT752 X
Establish and maintain professional credibility EDIT 704, EDIT 705, EDIT 526 ,EDIT 730, EDIT 611, EDIT 772, EDIT 575, EDIT 752, EDIT 732, EDIT 601, EDIT701 X

Planning and Preparation

Competencies Artifact Proficient Somewhat Proficient Not Proficient Not Addressed
Plan instructional methods and materials EDIT 704, EDIT 705, EDIT 730, EDIT 611, EDIT 772, EDIT 575, GAME 599, EDIT 571, EDIT 732, EDIT 752, EDIT 575 X
Prepare for instruction EDIT 704, EDIT 705, EDIT 730, EDIT 611, EDIT 772, EDIT 575, GAME 599, EDIT 571, EDIT 732, EDIT 752, EDIT 575 X

Instructional Methods and Strategies

Competencies Artifact Proficient Somewhat Proficient Not Proficient Not Addressed
Stimulate and sustain learner motivation and engagement EDIT 704, EDIT 705, EDIT 730, EDIT 611, EDIT 772, EDIT 575, GAME 599, EDIT 571, EDIT 752, EDIT 575 X
Demonstrate effective presentation skills EDIT 704, EDIT 705, EDIT 526 ,EDIT 730, EDIT 611, EDIT 772, EDIT 575, GAME 599, EDIT 732 X
Demonstrate effective facilitation skills EDIT 704, EDIT 705, EDIT 526 ,EDIT 730, EDIT 611, EDIT 772, EDIT 575, GAME 599, EDIT 571, EDIT 732, EDIT 752, EDIT 575, EDIT601 X
Demonstrate effective questioning skills EDIT 704, EDIT 705, EDIT 730, EDIT 611, EDIT 772, EDIT 575, GAME 599, EDIT 571, EDIT 732, EDIT 752, EDIT 575 X
Provide clarification and feedback EDIT 704, EDIT 705, EDIT 730, EDIT 611, EDIT 772, EDIT 575, EDIT601, EDIT 732, EDIT 752 X
Promote retention of knowledge and skills EDIT 730, EDIT 611, GAME 599, EDIT601, EDIT 732, EDIT 752, EDIT 575 X
Promote transfer of knowledge and skills EDIT 704, EDIT 705, EDIT 526 , EDIT 730, EDIT 611, EDIT 772, EDIT 575, EDIT 575, EDIT 752 X

Assessment and Evaluation

Competencies Artifact Proficient Somewhat Proficient Not Proficient Not Addressed
Assess learning and performance EDIT 704, EDIT 705, EDIT 730, EDIT 611, GAME 599, EDIT 571, EDIT 732, EDIT 752, EDIT 575 X
Evaluate instructional effectiveness EDIT 705, EDIT 730, EDIT 611, GAME 599, EDIT 732, EDIT 752, EDIT 575 X


Competencies Artifact Proficient Somewhat Proficient Not Proficient Not Addressed
Manage an environment that fosters learning and performance. EDIT 704, EDIT 705, EDIT 526 , EDIT 730, EDIT 611, EDIT 772, EDIT 575, EDIT 575, EDIT 752, EDIT 732, EDIT 571, GAME 599 X
Manage the instructional process through the approver EDIT 704, EDIT 705, EDIT 730, EDIT 611, EDIT 772, EDIT 575, EDIT 752, EDIT 575, EDIT 732 X

Instructional Design Competencies

Professional foundation

Competencies Artifact Proficient Somewhat Proficient Not Proficient Not Addressed
Communicate effectively in visual, oral and written form. (Essential) EDIT 704, EDIT 705, EDIT 730, EDIT 611, EDIT 772, EDIT 575, paper: GAME 599, EDIT 571, EDIT601, EDIT 732, EDIT 752, EDIT 575 X
Apply current research and theory to the practice of instructional design. (Advanced) EDIT 704, EDIT 705, EDIT 730, EDIT 611, GAME 599, EDIT 571, EDIT 732, EDIT 752, EDIT 575 X
Update and improve one’s knowledge, skills and attitudes pertaining to instructional design and related fields. (Essential) EDIT 704, EDIT 705, EDIT 526 , EDIT 730, EDIT 611, EDIT 772, EDIT 575, EDIT 575, EDIT 752, EDIT 732, EDIT601, EDIT 571 , GAME 599 X
Apply fundamental research skills to instructional design projects. (Advanced) EDIT 705, EDIT 730, GAME 599, EDIT 732, EDIT 752 X
Identify and resolve ethical and legal implications of design in the work place. (Advanced) EDIT 752 X

Planning and analysis

Competencies Artifact Proficient Somewhat Proficient Not Proficient Not Addressed
Conduct a needs assessment. (Essential) EDIT 705, EDIT 611, EDIT 732 X
Design a curriculum or program. (Essential) EDIT 705, EDIT 730, EDIT 611, EDIT 772, EDIT 575, GAME 599, EDIT 732, EDIT 752, EDIT 575 X
Select and use a variety of techniques for determining instructional content. (Essential) EDIT 704, EDIT 705, EDIT 730, EDIT 611, EDIT 772, EDIT 575, GAME 599, EDIT 732, EDIT 752, EDIT 575 X
Identify and describe target population characteristics. (Essential) EDIT 705, EDIT 730, EDIT 611, EDIT 772, EDIT 575, GAME 599, EDIT 571, EDIT 732, EDIT 575 X
Analyze the characteristics of the environment. (Essential) EDIT 705, EDIT 730, EDIT 611, EDIT 772, EDIT 575, GAME 599, EDIT 732, EDIT 752 X
Analyze the characteristics of existing and emerging technologies and their use in an instructional environment. (Essential) EDIT 730, EDIT 611, EDIT 772, EDIT 575, GAME 599, EDIT 732, EDIT 752, EDIT 575 X
Reflect upon the elements of a situation before finalizing design solutions and strategies.(Essential) EDIT 705, EDIT 732, EDIT 752 x

Design and Development

Competencies Artifact Proficient Somewhat Proficient Not Proficient Not Addressed
Select, modify, or create a design and development model appropriate for a given project. (Advanced) EDIT 704, EDIT 705, EDIT 730, EDIT 611, EDIT 772, EDIT 575, GAME 599, EDIT 571, EDIT 732, EDIT 752, EDIT 575 x
Select and use a variety of techniques to define and sequence the instructional content and strategies. (Essential) EDIT 704, EDIT 705, EDIT 730, EDIT 611, EDIT 772, EDIT 575, GAME 599, EDIT 571, EDIT 732, EDIT 752, EDIT 575 X
Select or modify existing instructional materials. (Essential) EDIT 732, EDIT 752 X
Develop instructional materials. (Essential) EDIT 704, EDIT 705, EDIT 526 , EDIT 730, EDIT 611, EDIT 772, EDIT 575, GAME 599, EDIT 571, EDIT 732, EDIT 752, EDIT 575 X
Design instruction that reflects an understanding of the diversity of learners and groups of learners. (Essential) EDIT 704, EDIT 705, EDIT 730, EDIT 611, EDIT 772, EDIT 575, EDIT 732, EDIT 752 X
Evaluate and assess instruction and its impact.(Essential) EDIT 704, EDIT 705, EDIT 752, EDIT 732 X

Implementation and Management

Competencies Artifact Proficient Somewhat Proficient Not Proficient Not Addressed
Plan and manage instructional design projects. (Advanced) EDIT 705, EDIT 611, GAME 599, EDIT 732, EDIT 752, EDIT 575 X
Promote collaboration, partnerships and relationships among the participants in a design project. (Advanced) EDIT 705, EDIT 611, EDIT 575, EDIT 752, EDIT 732, GAME 599 X
Apply business skills to managing instructional design. (Advanced) X
Design instructional management systems. (Advanced) EDIT 705 X
Provide for the effective implementation of instructional products and programs. (Essential) EDIT 704, EDIT 705, EDIT 730, EDIT 611, EDIT 752, EDIT 732 X

Training Manager Competencies

Professional foundation

Competencies Artifact Proficient Somewhat Proficient Not Proficient Not Addressed
Communicate effectively in visual, oral and written form. X
Comply with established legal and ethical standards. X
Maintain networks to advocate for and support the training function. X
Update and improve professional and business knowledge, skills, and attitudes. X

Planning and analysis

Competencies Artifact Proficient Somewhat Proficient Not Proficient Not Addressed
Develop and monitor a strategic training plan. X
Use performance analysis to improve the organization. X
Plan and promote organizational change. X

Design and Development

Competencies Artifact Proficient Somewhat Proficient Not Proficient Not Addressed
Apply instructional system design principles to training projects. X
Use technology to enhance the training function. X
Evaluate training and performance interventions. X


Competencies Artifact Proficient Somewhat Proficient Not Proficient Not Addressed
Apply leadership skills to the training function. X
Apply management skills to the training function. X
Apply business skills to the training function. X
Implement knowledge management solutions. X