Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Steak in Roasted Sesame Seed Marinade

So, yesterday was Valentine's Day. I decided to play the good boyfriend and make my girlfriend dinner. What I made is called "Steak in Roasted sesame Seed Marinade." It is a Japanese meal that takes a while to make (about two to three hours). It is well worth it though! It included a few ingredients that can ONLY be found (or even mentioned) in a Asian marketplace. One I found, called shichimi togarashi [] (I made the page!), is a mild red pepper spice with a little orange flavor. Another is dashi, or basic Japanese stock (like beef stock, only made from kelp and fish), which I was unable to find (easily) so I used beef Boolean instead. The last truly Japanese ingredient was sake (pronounced sa-kay, as I found), the Japanese equivalent of booze. It's similar to American liquor (or wine, but made from rice, not grapes). I bought a small bottle of it and still have some left. The meal included rice and broccoli
For desert, my girlfriend and I made mango ice cream. I made a mistake and mixed the ingredients before whipping the cream, but it still turned out good. Next time I make ice cream, I'm going to make whipped cream to go with it.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Asian Stuff, Sweet & Sour Pork

So... For Christmas my wonderful girlfriend bought me an Asian cookbook and my mother got me a wok. Over winter break, I made a few things from it including Lemon Chicken, Mandarin Beef, Chicken and Sweet Corn Soup, Chilli Pork Spare Ribs, and a few other small things. A couple days ago I made Sweet & Sour Pork over rice. The sauce had everything in it. I put fresh pineapple, sweet peppers, onions, carrots, and 'stir fry vegetables' (including baby corns, spring onions, water chestnuts, and other stuff). It didn't exactly turn out the way I imagined, but it was still good. I think I made about twice as much sauce as pork, but again, it was still good. For those who don't know, the sauce (the part that makes sweet & sour pork what it is) is made up of vinegar, soy sauce, sugar, orange juice, cornflour, and tomato puree. That's right, the sauce has tomato sauce in it! That's why it is red. Anyways... I wonder what I should make next. Maybe Peeking Duck! Mmmm... Duck.