Basics of Web Authoring and Design


What are HTML5 Attributes?

An HTML Element is part of a webpage. HTML documents consist of a set of elemtns that define the semantic meaning of their content. HTML Elements are the building blocks of HTML documents. They can be "nested" in one another, and if used as an organizational structure can create a hierarchical structure to your document.

Attributes are placed in the element < tag > of the element you are styling. Attributes are composed of a property and a value. The property is what aspect of the styling you are changing and the value is what you are changing the property to.

HTML Attribute Syntax

 photo cssyn.jpg

HTML Attribute Parts

Elementswhat HTML documents are made up of content
Tagskeywords (tag names) surrounded in angle brackets
Attributesprovide additional information on how to display an elementproperty="value"
Propertyattribute you are selecting to changeproperty=
Valueswhat you are changing the property to"value"