What is HTML5?
HTML5 is a markup language that is used for structuring and presenting content on the World Wide Web.
HTML stands for "hypertext mark-up language." It is a standard way or system used for tagging text files to achieve font, graphics, and hyperlink effects on world wide webpagfes. The mark-up tels the web browser how to display a webpage's words and images for the user.
Key Definitions:
- "Hypertext"
- refers to hyperlinks that an HTML page may contain.
- "Hyperlinks"
- are a reference to data that a user can directly follow by clicking or hovering.
- "Mark-up language"
- refers to the ways tags are used to define the page layouts and elements in a page.
- Elements
- - what HTML documents are made of.
- Tags
- -marks the beginning and end of an element; specifies which element to display
- Attributes
- - parts of HTML elements that provide additional information about an elememt and allows you to modify certain parts of an element.
- Property
- - what aspect, or attribute, of the element that you are changing
- Value
- - what you are changing the value of the attribute to
- Content
- - what is visually displayed on the page
HTML5 Syntax
HTML5 syntax can be broken down into a simple formula:
HTML5 Parts
Name Definition Syntax Elements what HTML documents are made up of content Tags keywords (tag names) surrounded in angle brackets Attributes provide additional information on how to display an element property="value" Property attribute you are selecting to change property= Values what you are changing the property to "value"