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Social Problems
Facebook on iPhone

Wireless communications seems to have a negative impact when it comes to society. With all the advancement, it has created a problem when it comes to things like cell phones and wireless internet (Javadi). Everybody nowadays has a cell phone and is on social networking sites that allow them to communicate with people (Javadi). Talking to people is okay but when it starts to interfere with a person’s driving ability or how they perform in school is where it can become a problem (Javadi). Ever since people have been starting to increase the use of cell phones, the numbers of automotive accidents that occur have increased mainly because people are on their cell phones (Javadi). Wireless internet is also causing problems because the number of crimes related to security issues has increased (Javadi). A lot more people have access to the Internet and with the ability to find anything over the World Wide Web, people can learn how to do what it is they want to do, good or bad. There are a lot more hackers now than there used to be since there is the possibility of being able to steal a person’s personal information online.