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Legal and Ethical Issues
of Wireless Communications

There are not many legal or ethical issues that can arise from wireless communication. One issue though is that it can lead to information being leaked that can be used against people. Criminal acts can result due to wireless communication systems having security issues. People that are able to gain access to information that can harm people is considered a legal issue (Montcalm, 2003). Workers that are fixing up a system that transmits information have access to that information but if they do not use it to harm people, then it is not considered a crime (Montcalm, 2003). People who gain access to such information like passwords or bank account information and use it in a way that can be harmful to a person, then a case could be made for legal issues (Montcalm, 2003). The ethical thing to do would be to disregard any information that could be revealed or to not even attempt at trying to access such personal information.

Legal and Ethical Issues