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Potential Benefits of
Wireless Communications
a man using a cellphone

Bluetooth has a lot of potential to be very beneficial in the future the way it has progressed as of late. One benefit of wirelessly communicating is that there are no wires involved which at times could be a hassle to take care of. Another benefit is the hands-free control development in cars and other places as well (Normile, 2002). Using Bluetooth to allow a user to be able to operate devices such as computers and other devices without having to push any actual button can allow more convenience (Normile, 2002). It can also be a lot safer for example, Bluetooth installed in a car allows the driver to be focused on driving and not having to hold the phone with one hand and driving with the other. Bluetooth in video cameras is also convenient since a user would not have to hook up wires in order to transfer images or videos but can do it wirelessly (Normile, 2002). Another potential benefit that Bluetooth offers is that it could allow a person to communicate with robots wirelessly and have the ability to send and transfer images or files to the person that needs the information (Normile, 2002). Wireless communication also plays a big part in a clinical environment where patients are being monitored by machines wirelessly transmitting information and files needing to be transferred from department to department (Cypher, Chevrollier, Montavont, and Golmie, 2006, pg.56). This could definitely be beneficial if files need to be transferred immediately about a patient’s medical history to another doctor.