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Security Concerns

With new technology comes some concern, and in wireless communications, the concern is security. Data security and privacy are issues that wireless communications will have to focus on in order to progress with a higher rate of success (Borsc and Shinde, 2005, pg.424). Security is something that is considered to be both enabling and disabling technology (Borsc and Shinde, 2005, pg.424). It must enable for communication to take place in a controlled environment while disabling access to other people that are not allowed to see the data being transferred (Borsc and Shinde, 2005, pg.424). There are a few different ways that a person can hack into some network and steal information which vary on how it is that they retrieve the information (Borsc and Shinde, 2005, pg. 427). Steps are being taken in order to reduce any security issues with wireless communications by people figuring out ways that would reduce the chances of someone getting access to information they are not allowed.