Rei Berroa | Office: 215E Thompson Hall |
Fall 2007 | Monday: 14:00-15:00 / T&R: 15:00-16:00 or by appointment |
email: |
Tel: (703) 993-1241
Fax: (703) 993-1245 |
In a broad sense, this course deals with the significance of the analysis and criticism of literature in the Master’s learning of Spanish as a national language. In a strict sense, on the other hand, it is intended as an introductory graduate level study and practice of criticism of the Spanish-speaking world literary production. The literary texts added to the understanding of the critical theory will include poetry, narrative, drama and essay. (Some of these texts will be required reading for everyone.)
The main focus of the course is the student's development of strategies for effective literary critical thinking and writing. You will be learning about and practicing what is commonly referred to as “close reading.” To this end, the first four classes will be devoted to reviewing the fundamental aspects of literary analysis: metrical analysis, poetic license, syllabication, rythm, literary figures (like anaphora, polysyndeton, or antithesis), and the use and function of tropes (like metonymy and metaphor) for poetry; the concept of acts and scenes or actants and characters for drama; story and discourse, narrator/narratee, point-of-view, irony, voice, and character development for narrative texts; and finally strategies for research, organization, writing, and persuasion for critical essays.
Another important aspect of the course is the introduction to principles of modern literary criticism, such as New Criticism, Reader-Response Criticism, Deconstruction, Feminism, and Postmodernism.
Your further development of speaking, reading,
and writing skills in literary and critical Spanish is an added goal in
this course. Although some of the texts we will read are in English,
the entire course will be conducted in Spanish.
Charles Bressler, Literary Criticism: An
Introduction to Theory and Practice. New Jersey:
Prentice Hall, 2003.
Rei Berroa & Victorio Aguera,
al análisis del texto literario. Fairfax, VA: George Mason
University, 2007.
Raman Selden, Peter Widdowson, & Peter
La teoría literaria contemporánea. 3a. edición.
Barcelona: Ariel, 2001.
Angelo Marchese & Joaquín Forradellas,
de retórica, crítica y terminología literaria.
7a. edición. Barcelona: Ariel, 2000.
[A good number of literary texts or synopsis
of well known masterworks will be included for daily rumination. Some of
them will be online, some others will be on reserve. You need to
be aware that reading of these texts will be essential for the development
of the course.]
Graduate standing in the Master’s program
in Foreign Languages or permission of instructor.
Literary language can be tricky. It is sometimes obscure, and it is often layered with several meanings. For this reason, I have required the use of a critical dictionary in Spanish. I am also recommending that you acquire a dictionary of criticism in English. The best one would be The New Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, but that would be a somewhat expensive proposition. If you cannot afford the latter, I would suggest that you get The Penguin Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory, prepared by J. A. Cuddon & Claire Preston. It is not as good as the Encyclopedia, but it will be enough to help you understand and decipher the critical and literary language you will be confronted with during this class and throughout your Master's studies. Standford University has began this year an Encyclopedia of Philosophy on the Web. You should be familiar with this new outstanding tool, since many of the subjects we are studying are connected to language and linguistics, philosophy, and the arts in general. also need an outstanding Spanish dictionary. I recommend one of the following, in this order: Diccionario de la Real Academia Española de la Lengua prepared by the Royal Academy; Diccionario de uso del español by María Moliner, or Diccionario del español actual by Manuel Seco. You may also consult the many Spanish dictionaries available online. [Check some at: or the Anaya at http:://]
Among the many texts that could help you develop a better understanding and practice of critical analysis, I am going to mention a few (all of them in Spanish). The most widely known are two texts published originally in Salamanca many years ago (Editorial Anaya): Cómo se comenta un texto literario, by Fernando Lázaro Carreter and Evaristo Correa Calderón (this book should already be beyond its 30th edition) and Introducción a los estudios literarios by Rafael Lapesa. Here are a few others:
Introducción al análisis de
textos by Raymundo Mier (Mexico: Trillas, 1990).
Cómo leer textos literarios
Julián Moreiro (Madrid: EDAF, 1996).
Comentario de textos literarios: Método
y práctica by J. M. Díez Borque (Madrid: Playor, 1985).
La intertextualidad literaria
by José
Enrique Martínez Fernández (Madrid: Cátedra, 2001),
Semiótica crítica y crítica
de la cultura by Manuel González de Avila (Barcelona: Anthropos,
Guía básica de la crítica
literaria y el trabajo de investigación by Paul Larson &
Frieda H. Blackwell (Boston: Heinle, 2006)
Polifonía textual: La citación
en el relato literario by Graciela Reyes (Madrid: Gredos, 1984).
Cómo hacer cosas con palabras
by J.L.Austin ( Barcelona: Paidós, 1996).
El devenir de la crítica by
Gillo Dorfles (Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 1979).
You can review selected texts published by Anthropos, Ariel, or any other publishing house specialized in critical discourse.
It is also highly recommended to be familiar
with the Diccionario enciclopédico de las ciencias del lenguaje
Ducrot and Todorov or, even better, the revised and more complete
diccionario enciclopédico de las ciencias del lenguaje
by Oswald
Ducrot and Jean-Marie Schaeffer (Madrid: Arrecife, 1998). In English, you
should be familiar with the series "Literary Criticism" which presents
more than one hundred volumes on each of the categories: Nineteenth Century,
Twentieth Century and Contemporary Literary Criticism. [As you enter the
reference section in Fenwick, they will be immediately to your right.]
For your everyday writing needs, you should also own a Diccionario de
sinónimos y antónimos (Vox & Larousse have quite
good versions of it). Check them out. Besides the one in your wordprocessor
[Thesaurus], here is another one online quite complete :
You will be turning in weekly 300-word short essays (about seven of them) correspondent to our discussions and your readings. These essays will be worth 30% of your final grade. These papers must be done independently, concordant with the Honor Code at George Mason. Try to turn them in on time, but it's better to wait an extra day, if you need it, to give me something you will be proud of. The paper should have two parts: the first two thirds should give a synopsis of the literary theory learned and discussed during that week; the other third should consist of your critique of that theory. Your attendance and class participation are essential and are counted as 15% of your grade. Participation includes preparation of questions for discussion and occasional worksheets, a commitment to and evidence of readings through the discussion, the cohesion of the final presentation you will make at the end of the course, and, of finally, your active involvement in class discussion. Spanish 510 is a meticulous study of the theory and practice of literary criticism (this study will be preceded by a review of the tecniques of literary analysis, at the beginning of the course). It thus requires the committment of everyone involved in it. Information you will get from lecture and discussion may not necessarily be found in any book. You are strongly encouraged not to miss a single class.
After completing the study of literary analysis (Berroa/Agüera), you will be required to write two literary analyses of about 900 words each: one of a poem and one of a short story (15% each). A longer critical essay will be due at the end of the course. This essay must build upon the knowledge you will have gained throughout our class meetings and your shorter assignments. The subject discussed could be an in-depth development of one of the shorter papers or a completely new topic. In both cases, you must make clear which one (or ones) of the critical approaches discussed in class is the one (are the ones) you are taking for your work. The essay will need to be about 2500 words (12 pages) and will be worth 25% of your final grade. This paper must be typed and must follow the guidelines established by the Writing Handbook of the Modern Language Association (available at the bookstore, in the reference section of the library, or on the Web at http:://
WARNING!: This is a required course for graduate
work at Mason. As your professor, it is my duty to ask you to read
a lot of material every week. That's what graduate work is about: reading,
writing and critical thinking. So I'll ask you to read a substantial amount
of work for each class. You need time to complete these readings. If you
cannot take the time to read what the course requires or if you are not
willing to devote yourself to it, perhaps you should reconsider your participation
in the program. I don't want to scare anyone but I do want to be very clear
about it, since we are all responsible adults. I assure you, on the other
hand, two things: First, that before you many other students have completed
the course successfully, so I don't see any reason for you not to be sucessfull
if you want to learn; and second, that if you are willing and open to learn,
this course will be a most joyfull experience.
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Week 1-3
The workings of poetics: metric, figurative speech, tropes. Analysis of a poetic text. [Berroa/Agüera: 1-78] |
The workings of literary narrative: story, discourse, point of view, irony, character development. Analysis of a narrative text.[Berroa/Agüera: 79-133] __________________________________ Visit to the Fenwick Library |
Starting this week, we will discuss one or more critical theories and approaches every week. Our main textbooks offer a brief survey of the history of literary criticism and definition of its components [Bressler, 1-34 / Selden, 11-25]. See some of the seminal works of literary criticism: Aristóteles' Poetics or Rhetoric [see a synopsis of his ideas here], Plato's Ion or Gorgias [see a very brief synopsis of his ideas here], Horace's Ars Poetica, or Longinus On the Sublime. New
Criticism (NC) and Russian
Formalism [Read: Bressler, 36-52 / Selden, 25-63]
Reader-Response Criticism (RRC) [Read: Bressler, 62-86 / Selden, 65-85] Check these sites for more: different positions, death of the author, essays on subject, JHG-RRC Poetry and narrative in the Middle Ages: Jarchas, El Cid [Cantar Primero], Berceo [Read milagros II, III, XX y XXI), don Juan Manuel [leer estos fragmentos del Conde Lucanor y este cuento] and Juan Ruiz [si no se puede leer todo el Libro de buen amor (texto o crítica), leer estos fragmentos: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] |
Structuralism [Read: Bressler, 87-113 / Selden, 87-112] Read also other approaches: basic principles [good synopsis], Genette's ideas, Barthes's, Foucault's [ver también el E. de Foucault, notas sobre el E. o las fronteras del E.], heterotopía. The comedia: Fernando de Rojas's La Celestina [Si no la has leído y no vas a tener tiempo ahora, al menos lee mi breve resumen] |
Marxism [Read: Bressler, 210-235 / Selden, 113-149]. Professors Tim Spurgin (Lawrence University) and Dino Felluga from Purdue offer a basic overview of Marxist theory and theorists. Read a study guide on Dialectical Materialism and Historical Materialism. The Encyclopedia of Marxism can answer many of your questions on this subject. Cultural and popular literature in the Middle Ages & the Rennaisance: cancioneros (ver facsímiles de cancioneros: Juan del Encina (1496) y de Hernando del Castillo [1511] y no dejen de leer el texto introductorio de Rodríguez Moñino), romanceros, chivalry & sentimental novels. En esta página hay una reducida pero buena selección de romances y canciones medievales |
Feminism [Read: Bressler, 178-209 / Selden, 151-184] Check a bibliography & a brief history. The Siglo de Oro and the creation of the modern novel: the picaresque, Cervantes's novelas ejemplares, La esclava de su amante de María de Zayas, Sor Juana ["Carta a Sor Filotea," "Sátira filosófica," "Al que ingrato me deja"], Galdós, Pardo Bazán ("El revólver" y "Feminista"). Sobre Sor Juana, Darmouth College mantiene un proyecto que vale la pena consultar. |
Post-Structuralism, Deconstruction [Otro punto], Psychoanalysis [De gran interés para nosotros puede ser la página de la revista Acheronta que tiene las obras más importantes de los clásicos de la psicología, incluidos Freud, Fromm y Lacan] [Read: Bressler, 114-177 / Selden, 185-224] The Siglo de Oro and the creation of
the national theater:
Post-Modernism [Read: Selden, 243-266; Bressler considers this critical thought as part of Post-Structuralism] The Siglo de Oro and the creation of the national poetry: Garcilaso [leer sonetos V, XIII, XXIII], the mystics, Góngora [leer "De pura honestidad," "Peinaba al sol" y "Mientras por competir"], Quevedo, ["A una nariz," "Fue sueño ayer,""A Apolo siguiendo a Dafne," "La vida empieza"] |
Post-Colonialism [Read: Bressler, 263-277 / Selden, 267-292] Although concentrated on American and English speaking writers, The Virtual Library has put together an impressive collection of research articles and links about Post-Colonialism on their site. The critical and socio-literary essay: Feijoo, Cadalso, Pardo Bazán, Ortega, Rodó, Reyes, Mariátegui and Paz |
Gay, Lesbian, and Queer theories [Read Selden, 293-320] Romanticism, Modernism, and the new narrative: Bécquer, Gómez de Avellaneda, Machado, Darío, Borges, Rulfo, Cortázar, Goytisolo, and Allende |
Cultural Poetics: Towards a Rhetoric of Cross-Cultural Discourse [Read: Bressler, 236-262 / Selden, 224-241]: Translating words, culture, events, metaphors, signs... La identidad intercultural, Cine e intercambio cultural, de globalización a glocalización, The new language of poetry: Lorca (Poeta en Nueva York), Cernuda, Mistral, Vallejo, Huidobro, Neruda, Pizarnik, Rojas |
Presentaciones individuales [Dependiendo del número de estudiantes que haya en la clase, estas presentaciones se desbordarían también hacia la fecha dedicada al examen final (17 de diciembre)] |
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