The Center for Excellence in Sales And Marketing - CESAM





Necessary Skills

The skills necessary for you to succeed are many, and you will learn the fundamentals while you are here:

Getting customers
Qualify the buyer
Establish rapport
Creat prospect disparity
Eliminate or differentiate from the competition
Build credibility
Know the customer and her business
Identify needs
Find hot buttons
Get personal information

Asking questions - Get your client to say, "No one ever asked me that before - or I hadn't thought of that"
Ask the prospect questions that make them evaulate new information
Ask questions that qualify needs
Ask questions about improved productivity, profits or savings
Ask questions about company or personal goals
Ask questions that separate you from your competition, not ones that compare you to them
Ask questions that make the customer think before giving a response
Ask power qustions to create a buying atmosphere, not a selling one

Conflict Resolution
Achieve mutual understanding
Reach beneficial compromises
Improve communications
Find win-win solutions

Getting the Sale
Make convincing proposals
Overcome objections
Negotiate better terms
Reach agreement faster
Close more sales

Learning how to Learn
Develop goals
Develop plan
Follow plan
Evaulate and negotiate as necessary
Formulate questions
Develop strategies for finding answers
Develop resources for finding answers
Reflect on process
Teach someone what you've learned
Develop new goals based on new understanding


Introduction | Your Experience | Your Goals | Calendar | Resources | Documentation
Contact Webmaster Last Updated May 14, 2002
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