The Center for Excellence in Sales And Marketing - CESAM




Sample Lesson Plan - Skills

Learners - This is a sample lesson plan that a coach will likely use when you do the "Models of Practice" skill. While other lesson plans will vary, there will always be modeling and feedback by the coach similar to what is here.


Prepare: From the daily training schedule, identify the skill practice for that day and the context in which it will be practiced
Post assessment criteria for that skill as well as feedback guidelines

Explain the relevance of the skill being learned and engage the class in discussion

  • Why is this skill important? Why are we practicing this skill in this context?
  • What personal attributes should be emphasized with this skill and this context

Share a personal experience you had when you saw this skill work well and state why it was effective


Provide live or video demonstration of the skill to be practiced

Discuss with the class how the demonstration did or did not meet the criteria - discuss alternate ways of responding to the situation

Demonstrate the scenario again - this time use a different approach


Arrange class into groups of 2 - 4

Allow each member of the group to practice the skill given the contexts you select

Feedback: As class members are practicing the skills, move around the room and coach as needed
Repeat: Repeat 'articulate' and 'feedback' as necessary. If there is a lot of time permitted on the schedule do this exercise 3-6 times. If learners are struggling with the practice, stop and re-explain or demonstrate as necessary
Reflect: With the class, disucss the experience - go back to the questions in the Explain section - ask class members to share their experiences. If the experience had any profound effects on class members - perhaps allow a few minutes then for them to write reflection statements while the experience is fresh on their minds

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