The Center for Excellence in Sales And Marketing - CESAM




Coaches- The guidelines below are for you to implement throughout the coaching/mentoring experience- remember that your attitude and concern for those you are helping will make the difference.

Coaching Performance Guidelines

Maintain an Equal Relationship
  • Show respect and interest through language, posture, and tone of voice
  • Adapt feedback and expectations to personh's ability and confidence
  • Refer (verbally or physically) to the practice guidelines
Be Specific
  • Repeat direct quotations, ("you said...") and use other details (non-verbal cues) from the practice situation
  • Offer detailed suggestions for repractice
Be Brief
  • Observations and suggestions are concise, direct, and relevant
Describe - Don't criticize
  • Consistently refer to practice details (what was said, how it was said) and practice guidelines
  • Avoid the use of value generalizations ("that was poor" or "that was excellent")
Allow Repractice
  • Consistently respond to feedback opportunitites
  • Effectively and efficiently arrange repractice
  • Facilitate (and if necessary model) target performance before moving on
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contact webmaster Last Updated May 14, 2002
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