The Center for Excellence in Sales And Marketing - CESAM





Attribute Assessment

This assessment is different in that you choose a rating for yourself. In the left column you will rate yourself at the beginning of your stay at the center. At the end of your stay, you will evaluate yourself again. Your coaches may also discuss this with you in helpoing your set your goals:

Answer Key
0 never true of me
1 seldom true of me
2 sometimes true of me
3 often true of me
4 usually true of me
5 almost always true of me
6 always true of me


  I work hard, even when I'm not under pressure or close supervision  
  I focus my efforts on the most important things  
  I maintain a balance between work, rest, and relaxation  
  I plan regularly  
  I try to follow my plans  
  I keep working hard until the job is completed successfully  
  I find joy and satisfaction in my work  

Example goal: During week 1 of my stay, I will identify 2 positive things about each major exercise I engage in. I will record this in my reflections for the week and evaluate my in the middle and at the end of the week.



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