
Introduction to Kaho'olawe

PowerPoint Introduction

Kaho'olawe Surveyor Software

Development Team

Role Cards

Key Elements for Reinhabiting the Island



Related readings:

Student Role Cards
The bombing has ended and slowly the island is recovering its vegetative cover. As an expert on the indigenous flora (plants) and fauna (animals) of the Hawaiian Islands, your concern is restoring and maintaining the ecological balance of the island and the efforts that will speed up the process of revegitation.   

Resources Available to you:   
Other biologists, CD-ROM, Internet Sites, Books, Word processor, Spreadsheet, Database, Presentation software 

Areas to look at in Kaho'olawe Surveyor and related readings:

  • Natural Facotors:
    Flora and Fauna
    Streams (+roads/trails, +erosion, +flora/Fauna)
    Contour 50m
    Erosion (+streams/roads/trails, +flora/fauna, +50m contour)
    Hardpan (1931, 1954, 1978, 1992)
  • Human Factors:
    Roads and Trails (+acheosites, + development, +50m contours, +erosion)
    Danger Areas (+Aarcheosites, +development)
    Acheosites (+roads/trails)
Shortly after the turn of the century, this island plateau had eroded to hardpan, a condition whereby soil is impervious to water. As an expert on the hardpan and contour of Kaho’olawe you are concerned with locating stable environments for the support of new roads, trails, and buildings. Check the contour maps to assist in identifying appropriate areas to develop and keep in mind the slope of the area while checking the topography of the island.    

Resources Available to you:   
Other geologists,CD-ROM, Internet Sites, Books, Word processor, Spreadsheet, Database, Presentation software

Areas to look at in Kaho'olawe Surveyor and related readings:

  • Natural Facotors:
    Flora and Fauna
    Streams (+roads/trails, +erosion, +flora/Fauna)
    Contour 50m
    Erosion (+streams/roads/trails, +flora/fauna, +50m contour)
    Hardpan (1931, 1954, 1978, 1992)
  • Human Factors:
    Roads and Trails (+acheosites, + development, +50m contours, +erosion)
    Danger Areas (+Aarcheosites, +development)
    Acheosites (+roads/trails)

Watershed Expert   
Restoring and maintaining the ecological balance of the island is your main concern. As the expert on watersheds, the area which supplies water to streams and tributaries, you will use the contour maps to identify water resources as well as possible water hazards to the new inhabitants.   Make certain that the land is not exploited and that soil erosion is minimized. For safety concerns, be aware of the unexploded munitions on Kaho’olawe 

Resources Available to you:   
Other watershed experts,CD-ROM, Internet Sites, Books, Word processor, Spreadsheet, Database, Presentation software   

Questions to address: Are there too many roads? too few?

Areas to look at in Kaho'olawe Surveyor and related readings:

  • Natural Facotors:
    Flora and Fauna
    Streams (+roads/trails, +erosion, +flora/Fauna)
    Contour 50m
    Erosion (+streams/roads/trails, +flora/fauna, +50m contour)
    Hardpan (1931, 1954, 1978, 1992)
  • Human Factors:
    Roads and Trails (+acheosites, + development, +50m contours, +erosion)
    Danger Areas (+Aarcheosites, +development)
    Acheosites (+roads/trails)


As a Hawaiian native you have a particular interest in the history and culture of the Kaho’olawe. Concentrate on maintaining the cultural identity of the people when planning the island. Preserving the integrity of the archeological sites and educating visitors about the Hawaiian culture have equal importance.   

Resources Available to you:   
Other anthropologists,CD-ROM, Internet Sites, Books, Word processor, Spreadsheet, Database, Presentation software 

Areas to look at in Kaho'olawe Surveyor and related readings:

  • Natural Facotors:
    Flora and Fauna
    Streams (+roads/trails, +erosion, +flora/Fauna)
    Contour 50m
    Erosion (+streams/roads/trails, +flora/fauna, +50m contour)
    Hardpan (1931, 1954, 1978, 1992)
  • Human Factors:
    Roads and Trails (+acheosites, + development, +50m contours, +erosion)
    Danger Areas (+Aarcheosites, +development)
    Acheosites (+roads/trails)