Legal and Ethical Implications

The use of Artificial Intelligence can cause many challenges in either a legal or ethical way. In a Legal manner, the issues with data privacy, discrimination, and tort liability (taking responsibility for any wrongdoing) can cause major problems in AI. As far as data privacy goes, associations must be transparent with their members about how their data will be collected, used, and protected, and must obtain the necessary member consents to use and share sensitive data (Tenenbaum, 2023). This is because members have a right to confidentiality so, when their information enters an AI system, it will no longer be protected information. In a discrimination matter, associations must make sure that their AI systems do not discriminate based on race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, age, disability, or other legally protected characteristics (Tenenbaum, 2023). In other words, if AI discriminates against someone who has an accent or hearing impairment, then that could possibly lead to illegal discrimination. As far as tort liability goes, if any type of Artificial Intelligence technology creates inaccuracy that could harm other members, the association could be potentially held liable for any damages caused (Tenenbaum, 2023). To ensure that none of these legal issues take place, the companies that are working with AI must make sure that their information is accurate and efficient.

In an Ethical manner, the use of Artificial Intelligence can cause some challenges while being used. The use of Artificial Intelligence has increased rapidly and as a result, this technology has created many opportunities worldwide (UNESCO, 2023). Due to the rapid changes, there have been ethical concerns such as embed biases, the contribution of climate degradation, threatening of human rights, and more (UNESCO, 2023). In the recent changes of the ethical concerns regarding AI, everyone needs to be able to respect and protect the fundamental rights, freedoms, and privacy of others while being able to coexist.