
Anyoha, R. (2017, August 28). The History of Artificial Intelligence. Science in the News. Retrieved September 19, 2023, from

This Harvard University blog was used in the background section of my paper to give the readers a feel of how AI came to be. In this blog, the main purpose was to inform on the history of Artificial Intelligence and ChatGPT. Artificial intelligence was introduced in the late 1950’s when scientists and mathematicians thought of the idea of creating a human intelligence technology system. One scientist thought of the idea to create this system and his name was Alan Turing. To summarize, the history of AI had a big impact on society today and continues to improve.

Bailey, J. (2023, August 8). AI in Education. Education Next. Retrieved September 19, 2023, from

In this article from Education Next, the key points that I wrote about was the social problems developing in the Artificial Intelligence system. This article tells me that there is a lack of connection between individuals and how the work environment is being overrun by AI technology. The lack of connection between individuals and technology causes fewer social skills and people interactions. As the work environment is being overrun it has caused the skill set to be at a lower standard because the individuals are being over reliant on technology. In summary, the use of Artificial Intelligence in the workplace is causing more people to lose their social skills because of the over use of this technology.

Chhetri, P. (2023). Analyzing the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats of AI in Libraries. Library Philosophy and Practice, 1-14.

In this article from ProQuest, the author informs the readers about the potential benefits, and the strengths of the Artificial Intelligence systems. In my paper, I incorporated the benefits of AI in the workplace including the quick decision making and the process of automatically completing repetitive tasks. I felt as though including this article in my paper was needed, especially because it thoroughly goes through the benefits, risks, and security aspects of Artificial Intelligence in the work and school environment.

Chung, K. L. (2023). What Is the Impact of ChatGPT on Education? A Rapid Review of the Literature. Education Sciences, 13(4), 410.

In this Journal, from MDPI Open Access Journals, the main purpose in my paper was to explain and have people understand the impact and the importance that AI and ChatGPT have on the education of students. I used this source under the Potential Benefits heading to talk about the way that AI can be a useful tool to students who need individual help outside of the classroom. I discussed this topic but, I also assured that this tool is used as a last resort if there is no one else to help you learn individually. The journal thoroughly goes through the benefits and the concerns but, in this case, I just used the benefits.

Pugh, B. (2023, July 12). What does AI need? A comprehensive federal data privacy and security law. International Association of Privacy Professionals. Retrieved September 19, 2023, from

I got this source information from a website from Brandon Pugh who explains the security and data privacy aspects of Artificial Intelligence. In this paper, I talked about the protection of your personal data and how to handle the process of leaked information. The many aspects of security are talked about in my paper as well as the website source. The release of private information to the world is a big aspect of security and making sure all of your data stays safe.

Rijmenam, M. v. (2023, February 17). Privacy in the Age of AI: Risks, Challenges and Solutions. The Digital Speaker. Retrieved September 19, 2023, from

I used this article from The Digital Speaker in my paper to talk about the challenges of privacy in the AI technology system. The privacy of AI is very important especially because this system is becoming more complex every day. Considering that privacy is really important, the privacy of AI needs to be protected by making sure that there is no violations or stealing anyone’s identity. To summarize, the reasons of AI having privacy issues has to be protected not only to the internet but also to the individuals that are being violated through AI or ChatGPT.

Small, T. (2023, May 12). The downside of AI: Former Google scientist Timnit Gebru warns of the technology’s built-in biases: As artificial intelligence tools become ubiquitous, Timnit Gebru is an outspoken advocate for ethical AI. Retrieved from

In this blog, I used the information to talk about the downsides or the disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence. In the AI world, there are bound to be risks as well as benefits but dealing with either one of these is hard. Some of the risks include the speed of decision-making, overreliance, and more. The speed of decision-making is so unknown that we don’t know how it happens so it could be considered a risk in the Artificial Intelligence world. As well as decision making there is also overreliance. A lot of students rely too much on the use of technology that it could be potentially damaging to their future. To summarize, the risks of AI are a real reason for deciding not to use this technology but by using it, it could also be a reliant approach.

The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization. (2023, April 21). Artificial Intelligence - Ethics of Artificial Intelligence.

In this article, I used the information to talk about the ethical and social implications of Artificial Intelligence and the educational and the workplace issues as well. Some of the ethical concerns include the threatening of human rights, climate degradation, and embedded biases. These concerns will be the downfall of the AI system if the protection of these rights is diminished. In the article the explanation of the different issues, the uses, and the advancements of AI technology are spoken about. To summarize, the ethical issues of Artificial Intelligence are going to be an issue if they are not protected at all costs.

Tenenbaum, J. S. (2023, April 27). Five Key Legal Issues to Consider When It Comes to Generative AI. ASAE. Retrieved September 19, 2023, from

I used this Article source as a source of information in my paper to explain the legal issues of what could happen with the usage of Artificial Intelligence. Some of the issues I talked about regarding legal manners are the data privacy issue, discrimination, and tort liability. These issues can be major problems for individuals dealing with AI. The article explains the fact that transparency is the key to the AI system as well as how individuals information will be used and protected.

Torrence, M. (2023, Jun 20). A transformative future with AI. Community College Daily

I used this Newspaper article as a source of information to use to explain the future uses of Artificial Intelligence in the workforce and in the educational system. I utilized this source in the introduction section to give some background on what AI could look like in the future before starting my paper. If Artificial Intelligence improves in the future, it’ll create new ways of thinking and problem-solving. The main topic of this Newspaper is to inform the readers on the possible future of AI and ChatGPT in the educational and professional environment. To summarize, the future of AI is unclear, but it is still possible for it to make improvements.

Website Media References

Computer Image. Retreived on October 19,2023

This image was used in my website due to the fact that we put the image in during the lab of this class. It is an image of a computer on the desk because I did my IT prject on the AI risks and benefits. This image is a representational component in my project because it lets the reader know what I will be creating and talking about in my project.

AI Image with Background. Retreived on October 21,2023

This image represents the creativity and technology components that are used in the Artificial Intelligence system. The use of this image in my website is to represent the ways that this type of technology can be interpreted from other people. It shows the ways that this type of technology can evolve into something more advanced than any humans can comprehend. In other words, it shows the limitless possibilties that can arise when human intelligence can move into a more complex technology.

AI Benefits Image. Retreived October, 21,2023

I used this image off of istockphoto to represent the information that is being used in my potential risks and benefits webpage. This image shows the many components that Artificial Intelligence can be both dangerous and useful in the real world. In many instances, AI can have major benefits that can include the speed of human intelligence, and the way it can be used in environments where it may be useful. But, it can have major risks as well when it is in use. This image represents those benefits and risks in a creative way.

AI Video. Created on November 7, 2023 Artificial Intelligence Video

This video was originally created for a requirement that had to be in the website. Throughout the five minute video, I go over all of the information that I used in my paper and website. Some of this information includes the benefits and risks of AI, the ethical and legal issues, and many more components. The main purpose of this video is to inform the viewer of this different useful and dangerous aspects of AI.

Website Links

The Risks and Benefits of AI Blog