The Background of Artificial Intelligence

According to Rockwell Anyoha from Harvard University, Artificial Intelligence was first introduced in the late 1950’s when different scientists and mathematicians thought of the idea (Anyoha, 2017). But there was one mathematician in particular who explored the possibility from a mathematical perception. His name was Alan Turing, and he was a talented, British child who had the thought process of creating a human intelligence system which had the same intellect as a human. But, considering that computing was expensive back then, he had a set back while trying to figure out how to change the computer system. Meanwhile, five years later, three other people created a program called the “Logic Theorist.” Allen Newell, Cliff Shaw, and Herbert Simon created the first artificial intelligence program that was designed to problem solve and have the same intellect as a human being. After quite a few setbacks in the program, AI finally skyrocketed in the years 1957 to 1974.