Two studies highlight benefits of electronic health records. (2013, 09). U.S.News & World Report, , 1. Retrieved March 5, 2017, from
This source provides some of the unknown benefits of electronic health records. This article is very reliable because it provides specific comments on the study that has been performed to encourage use of electronic health records. It brings up how diabetic patients are influenced because there has been a decrease in the emergency room visits after implementing electronic health records. It also talks about another study done to prove that electronic health records improve the method of diagnosing children with growth disorders.
Connors, W. R., M.S.W. (2008). Electronic health records' benefits for addiction treatment. Addiction Professional, 6(1), 42-43. Retrieved March 5,2017, from
This reference page provided most of the benefits of electronic health records over paper records. This website is very reliable because it comes from a database. There are little details that provide accuracy. It talks about how paper records cost more, is not reliable, and it is not efficient for doctors. This paper was useful for my research because it provides excellent reasons electronic health records should be implemented.
Sittig, Dean F. Electronic Health Records and National Patient-Safety Goals. The New England journal of medicine. (11/2012) , 367 (19), p. 1854 – 1860. Retrieved March 5, 2017, from A, href="">
This article points out the security aspects of electronic health records. Viruses are possible to occur but it is dangerous in hospital settings where all records rely on electronic health records. This article talks about a time where there was a virus that affected the hospital computers. This led to a shutdown of all hospital features. Most surgeries had to be postponed and office visits were not possible at that time. This brings out how much electronic health records are a part of the health care field. This article is reliable because it points out specific details of the event. It provides sufficient information.
Bernat, J. L. Ethical and quality pitfalls in electronic health records. Neurology. (03/2013) , 80 (11), p. 1057 – 1061. Retrieved March 5, 2017, from
This article points out all of the important ethical issues that surround electronic health records. This article was useful because it shows the unknown parts of electronic health records. For example, some doctors find it easier to copy and paste other medical information for their ease. It is becoming easier to assess the patients with the help of templates that tell doctors what to ask for and assess, which can be a problem because every patient is different so it is important to ask questions specific to the patient’s needs. Doctors should also pay attention to patients when consulting, not always on the screen.
NHS electronic health records: Benefits and dangers . (2008, June 8). Info Security. Retrieved March 5, 2017, from
This magazine gives out some security aspects. It talks about how not only how laptops and important files may be stolen, health care workers also may view unauthorized medical records. Some staff members access files that they are not allowed to. Some might take a look at a celebrity’s health records out of curiosity or they might leak the information.
Electronic health records [Video file]. (2006). Retrieved March 5, 2017, from
This video talks about how there are errors in electronic health records. But it also double checks on the providers such as reminding of the allergies the patients have or upcoming blood work that needs to be done. Back when paper documentation was used, no one thought electronic health records would be essential. Now, hospitals can never go back to the time where paper documentation was used. The United States is keeping up with technology in order to catch up with countries that are excelling in electronic health records such as Canada and Taiwan.
Takeaway. (2014, January 22). Retrieved April 13, 2017, from
I found this picture to be relevant to my research paper. It shows a picture of a computer which represents electronic health records. It also shows it is health records because of the surgical glove.
Icon For My Computer-Notebook. (n.d.). Retrieved April 13, 2017, from
I found this picture to be relevant for the syllabus page. Since it is on our IT-104 class syllabus, putting a picture of a computer was ideal.