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I strongly believe that digital radiographs and the system of digital radiography in dentistry is one of the important innovations of the century. Although digital radiographs are new and can be expensive, they would become a standard for the future (Colgate, 2003). This technological innovation had provided dentists with a very useful tool that play a great role in improving people’s lives. By showing us the structures of our teeth and the insides of our mouth that we cannot see by our naked eyes, we get to have more knowledge about our dental health and the health problems that we have to deal with. Also with the help of digital radiographic images, dentists would be able to provide us with better service and care. Dentists would be able to give us the right diagnosis and ensure correct treatment of certain dental conditions. As a conclusion, digital radiography in dentistry is an indispensable tool for dentists to use to detect diseases and is cautiously used by us to provide us with great benefits (Family Gentle Dental Care, 2008).