
sheet music

l'Introduction | la Tâche | le Processus | les Ressources
Evaluation | Standards | la Conclusion

This webquest meets the following Standards of Learning for the state of Virginia:

FIII.1 The student will engage in original and spontaneous oral and written communications in French.
1. Express own opinions, preferences, and desires, and elicit those of others.
2. Use level-appropriate vocabulary and structures to express ideas about topics and events found in a variety of print and non-print sources in French.

FIII.3 The student will comprehend spoken and written French based on new topics in familiar as well as unfamiliar contexts that are presented through a variety of media.
1. Identify main ideas and pertinent details when reading or listening to passages, such as live and recorded conversations, short lectures, reports, and literary selections in French.
2. Understand culturally authentic materials that use new as well as familiar information in French.
3. Understand and follow instructions presented in consumer and informational materials in French, such as those needed to understand a train schedule or to use the Internet.

FIII.4 The student will present orally and in writing information in French that combines learned as well as original language in increasingly complex sentences and paragraphs.
1. Summarize and communicate main ideas and supporting details in French orally and in
writing from a variety of authentic language materials.
2. Use past, present, and future time frames, word order, and other level-appropriate language structures with increasing accuracy.

FIII.5 The student will present student-created as well as culturally authentic stories, poems, and/or skits in French.
1. Produce well-organized spoken and written French presentations appropriate to the type of audience and the purpose of the presentation.
2. Use appropriate verbal and non-verbal presentational techniques including visual aids and/ or technological support.

FIII.6 The student will discuss the interrelationship among the perspectives, practices, and products of francophone cultures.
2. Discuss how the viewpoints of French-speaking people are reflected in their practices and products, such as political systems, art and architecture, music, and literature.

FIII.7 The student will reinforce and broaden his/her knowledge of connections between French and other subject areas including language arts, science, history and social science, mathematics,physical education, health, and/or the arts.
1. Identify how the French language and francophone cultures are found in other subject areas through various topics, such as terminology specific to the content areas.
2. Relate topics studied in other subject areas to those studied in the French class, such as issues related to the environment or the contributions of political, arts, or sports figures from francophone countries to the world.

FIII.8 The student will discuss in French why similarities and differences exist within and among cultures.
1. Use level-appropriate French to discuss the influences of historical and contemporary events and issues on the relationships between francophone countries and the United States.
2. Compare aspects of francophone cultures, such as language, clothing, foods, dwellings, and recreation, with those of other cultures.

FIII.10 The student will improve French language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes.
1. Expand French language skills and cultural knowledge through the use of media,
entertainment, and technology.