A quality web project demands as much attention to the selection, organization, and presentation of material as to the underlying research itself. You should strive to be both clear and engaging in every aspect of site design.

The first step in designing an effective web page is understanding the fundamentals - the elements and principles of design. The elements are the basic components used as part of any composition. They are the objects needing to be arranged.

The elements of design are as follows:

  1. Line
  2. Shape
  3. Space
  4. Texture
  5. Color

The basic principles of design demonstrate how to put together design elements in an effective manner. Understanding the different principles will allow you to create better websites.

The principles of design are as follows:

  1. Balance
  2. Rhythm
  3. Dominance
  4. Proportion
  5. Unity

Lastly, constraints of designing for the Web that can effect how we make use of the principles and elements of design will be addressed.