My Scottish Obsession

Scottish English and Scottish Gaelic
Scottish English
As, I hope, you know the people in Scotland speak English. However, many of us when listening to the Scottish would beg to differ on that account due to the deep accent that comes along with their speech that makes it extremely hard to understand. And frankly almost impossible unless you have some beer or better yet whiskey drowning your system. It isn't the Scots fault though for speaking English, but the English who banned it from being used in schools and every day life. Although, it might seem foolish it might help you out to listen to commonly used words or phrases to help you understand the Scots English. This video should help you along your way to figuring out Scottish English!

Scottish Gaelic
If any of you are history nerds or fantasize about Scotland in a hunky way you are probably thinking to yourself, but what about the Scottish Gaelic? Afterall who doesn't love a man who speaks another language. Unfortunetly, Gaelic is not widely spoken in Scotland and if you really want to hear it spoken it seems that the Outer Hebrides is the place to go. Orrr you could watch this video of the Scottish Sam Heughan teaching people how to say random words in Gaelic.

Lauren Benefield
Last Updated 5/06/16
Completion 5/06/16
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