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Kristine S. Neuber Portfolio

Kristine spelled out in sailing flags

Research Currents

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My research interests have morphed.  I remain interested in how policies are formed and influenced at the national level. I believe it is essential to understand this phenomenon in order to ultimately get policies adopted at the national level.  However, I have discovered that I am more interested in the components of effective disability policies and services.  This is an adjustment from the interests first portfolio review.  Part of this change is due to a better understanding of where I believe my skills and talents lie and where I can be most successful in effecting change. My new interests include:

policy icon What policies and practices are effective for people with disabilities to allow them to become active and productive members of society?

iMore specifically:

  • Do the policies that guide the system of special education work for all students with disabilities?  What works? What needs to change?
  • Are higher education and employment policies effective in helping people with disabilities secure and maintain employment?

Dissertation Idea: 

Problem addressed: The unemployment and under-employment of people with disabilities.

I am considering the possibility of a qualitative study of individuals with disabilities who are currently in leadership positions.  The interviews would be focused on exploring their journey to the position they are in today. Questions would delve into educational background, family dynamics, use of assistive technology, policies that helped them achieve their goals, and perhaps include a personality profile.

Goal: I would like to consider how conclusions drawn from a study like this could influence policy and service provision for people with disabilities in the school and employment settings.




Kristine Neuber

Date Updated: February24, 2007