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Journal Articles (Refereed)

Hjalmarson, M. & Suh, J. M. * (2009). Developing mathematical pedagogical knowledge by evaluating instructional materials. Inquiry into Mathematics Teacher Education. AMTE Monograph V.

Suh, J. M. & Jamieson, S. (2009). Collaborative mentoring: Establishing a mathematics teaching & learning community through Lesson Study. NCTM’s Empowering Mentors of Mathematics, NCTM.

Suh, J. M., Johnston, C. & Doud, J. (2008). Enhancing mathematics learning in a technology rich environment. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School. NCTM.

Suh, J. M., Johnston, C., Mills, M., & Jamieson, S. (2008). Promoting decimal number sense and representational fluency. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 14(1), 44-50.

Suh, J. M., & Moyer-Packenham, P. S. (2007). Developing students’ representational fluency using virtual and physical algebra balances. Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching. 26 (2), 155-173.

Scaptura, C., Suh, J. M.* & McHaffey, G. (2007). Masterpieces to mathematics: Using art to teach fraction, decimal, and percent equivalents. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 13(1), 24-28.

Suh, J. M. ( Oct, 2007). Tying it all together: Building mathematics proficiency for all students. Teaching Children Mathematics, NCTM.

Suh, J. M. (Nov, 2007). Developing “Algebra -‘rithmetic” in the elementary grades. Teaching Children Mathematics, NCTM.

Suh, J. M., Moyer, P.S., & Heo, H. J. (2005). Examining technology uses in the classroom: students developing fraction sense by using virtual manipulative concept tutorials, Journal of Interactive Online Learning, 3(4), 1-22.

Heo, H. J., Suh, J. M., Moyer, P. S. (2004). Impacting student confidence: The effects of using virtual manipulatives and increasing fraction understanding. The Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics, 14(2), 207-219.

Suh, J. M., Moyer, P. S. & Sterling, D. (2003) Junior Architect: Designing your dream clubhouse using measurement and geometry, Teaching Children Mathematics, 10(3), 170-179.


NCTM 2009: Let's Talk: Building Meaningful Math Discourse

AERA 2009: TIME for Excellence: Developing Collective Efficacy with Teacher Leadership

ACADEMIC INSTITUTE FCPS 2009: Building collective knowledge and making generalizations

CEHD RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM: Transforming teachers' belief and practices by developing algebraic connections

NCTM 2008: Developing persistent & flexible problem solvers

UTAH 2008: Lesson study using technology tools

AMTE 2008: Developing Math Knowledge for teaching through Collaborative planning

PME 2007: Dual Coding Theory & Virtual Math Environments

ISTE 2007: Tech-knowledgy in Math

AMTE 2007:Modeling Math Meaningfully

Research Reports

PME 2008: Scaffolding Special Needs Students’ Learning of Fraction Equivalence Using Virtual Manipulatives

PME 2007:

PME-NA 2007:

Research Interests

Developing mathematics pedagogical content knowledge and confidence in teachers

Building mathematical proficiency to diverse student populations

Using multiple representations, mathematical models and emerging technology to enhance teaching and learning

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