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1999 IOOB Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the IOOB Graduate Student Conference?
  2. IOOB is a student run conference for graduate students studying Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, and other related fields. In some ways it is a stepping stone for younger students to get their first exposure and opportunity to present at a conference in a non-threatening environment. Only students attend the student presentations. At the same time, IOOB has been around for 20 years and is recognized by the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.

  3. What types of papers are presented at IOOB?
  4. Both empirical and conceptual papers can be presented. You can also present a study in progress or something you plan to present/publish elsewhere.

  5. How much time will I have to present?
  6. Each presenter will have 10-12 minutes to present. As a courtesy to all presenters, you will be asked to stop when your time is up.

  7. What audio-visual equipment will I have access to for my presentation?
  8. An overhead projector and screen will be provided in every room. If you plan to use briefing slides, please prepare them on transparencies. We will not be able to provide LCD panels or laptops, nor will you have time to set up your own equipment.

  9. Can undergraduates attend IOOB?
  10. Yes, undergraduates can attend, but we prefer they not present since IOOB is a graduate level conference.

  11. Can I attend the conference if I am not presenting?
  12. Yes! Please come and support your fellow graduate students, network, and have a great time!

  13. Do presenters have to pay the registration fee?
  14. Yes, each person attending the conference is required to pay the pre-registration fee of $45 or the on-site fee of $55.

  15. What should I wear to the conference?
  16. Both participants and attendees should dress in business professional.

  17. If I have a special diet need (e.g., lactose intolerant, allergies, low fat, etc.), can a special meal be prepared for me at the luncheon?
  18. Yes, please inform us of your special dietary needs on your registration form.

  19. I am interested in sharing a hotel room at the Hyatt with someone else. Can you help me find a roommate?
  20. Send an e-mail to explaining your preferences and whether or not you have already booked a room and we will put you in touch with others who are interested in locating a roommate.

  21. I have mailed in my registration but will no longer be able to attend. Can I receive a refund for my registration?

We will refund your registration up until March 10th. You can request a refund check by e-mailing us at After this date, we can not provide any refunds for any reason as we will have already provided head counts to our caterers, etc.