Heterogeneous Submission Behavior and its Implications for Success in Innovation Contests with Public Submissions (with Jesse Bockstedt and Anant Mishra), Production and Operations Management, Forthcoming. 

Problem-Solving Effort and Success in Innovation Contests: The Role of National Wealth and National Culture (with Jesse Bockstedt and Anant Mishra), 2015, Journal of Operations Management, 36, 187-200.  

Overcoming Barriers to Adoption of Environmentally-Friendly Innovations through Design and Strategy: Learning from the Failure of an Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Firm (with Michael Naor, Ednilson Bernardes, and Yoram Shiftan), 2015, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 35(1) 26-59.  

Introduction to innovation WITHIN and ACROSS borders: A review and future directions (with Janice Carrillo and Juliana Hsuan), 2015, Decision Sciences Journal, 46 225–265. 

Global Supply Chain Management (with Kyle Cattani and Goker Aydin), 2014, Business Horizons, 57(4) 453-457.  

Design for the Environment: Life Cycle Approach Using a Newsvendor Model (with Gal Raz and Vered Blass), 2013, Production and Operations Management, 22(4), 940-957.  

Strategic Product/Service Innovations of an Online Firm (with Evan Porteus), 2010, Decision Sciences Journal, 41(3), 595-622. 

Managing Product Rollovers (with Eylem Koca and Gilvan Souza). 2010, Decision Sciences Journal, 41(2), 403-423. 

The Optimal Pace of Product Updates, (with Glen Schmidt and Gilvan Souza), 2009, European Journal of Operational Research, 192, 621-633. 

When is a Disruptive Innovation Disruptive? (with Glen Schmidt), 2008, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 25(4), 347-369. 
A Strategy for Opening a New Market and Encroaching on the Lower End of the Existing Market (with Glen Schmidt), 2008, Production and Operations Management, 17(1). 
Changes in Product Attributes and Costs as Drivers of New Product Diffusion and Substitution, (with Glen Schmidt), 2005, Production and Operations Management, 14(3), Lead Article.  
Research Interests
My research interests include two primary areas. The first is new product development and innovation management, addressing questions such as the diffusion of new products and new product introduction. The second area is the managerial analysis of supply chains and e-commerce, using game theory as the underlying framework. The focus is on competition between firms and how that competition affects operational decisions. 

Current projects analyze outsourcing, innovation contests, and mass customization. Earlier work examines product development decisions such as rollovers and time-pacing, and competitive models for encroachment and online/offline price competition.