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The Hello World Project Logo

Hello World Project

Our Goal

A simple Hello World program written in a Java text editor

          College tuition is rising at an astounding rate and as a result many students cannot afford to pursue the degree they desire.  The goal of the Hello World Project is to give underprivileged students, wishing to obtain degrees in Computer Science, Information Technology, and other related fields, the opportunity to pursue their dreams of earning a degree in their respected fields.  The Hello World Project provides these individuals with financial assistance in the form of academic scholarships and even provide the student with some school supplies like a new laptop pre-installed with all of the software they need to become a great computer programmer and software developer.
          This organization’s goal is to not only to provide students with great educational opportunities but also to provide students wishing to pursue programming careers with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in the competitive IT field.  The Hello World Project regularly hosts Learn How to Program events in which experts and volunteers from within the field come in and teach prospective programming students, as well as those students that are just curious about programming, how to write a computer program.  These events teach students the popular “Hello, World!” in several programming languages, as well as teach those interested in Web Design how to create a simple web page.  The goal of these events is to not only educate potential future programmers but is also to give students a hands-on experience and introduce a field that they may not have learned about in high school.
          Through the use of scholarships and education the Hello World Project is paving the way for the future programmers of the world.

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