CSc 8980-003 Multimedia Systems (Fall 2017)

This course introduces state-of-the-art on multimedia systems. Course materials consist of a mix of background knowledge, current practice and advanced research. The course is roughly divided into two parts. The first part provides an introduction to networked multimedia systems, including the basics on multimedia compression, multimedia networking and multimedia operating systems, as well as relevant multimedia applications on video streaming, virtual reality, cloud gaming and video conferencing. The second part presents standalone multimedia systems, discussing the background knowledge on multimedia analysis and multimedia interaction, as well as corresponding multimedia applications on augmented reality and autonomous vehicles/drones.

CSc 4320/6320 Operating Systems (Spring 2018)

This course provides the introduction to operating systems. Course materials consist of a mix of background knowledge and current practice. The course topics include process management, memory management, multiprogramming, resources allocation and management, and selected advanced topics. The goal of this CS foundation course is to enable students to (1) understand the basic principles of operating systems; (2) complete programming assignments related to important design mechanisms of operating systems; (3) accumulate hands-on experience on classic and modern operating systems.

CSc 8320 Advanced Operating Systems (Fall 2018)

This course covers advanced topics on operating systems. Course materials consist of a mix of background knowledge, current practice and advanced research. The course topics include distributed systems, protection, security, virtual machines, storage systems and selected research topics. The main goal of the course is to help students understand the basic principles as well as research ideas in a variety of topics in operating systems. As a secondary goal, students will learn how to conduct a R&D project and how to present technical work effectively.