Multiple Positions for PhD and Intern

We have multiple openings of PhD RAs and TAs with full financial aid. We are also looking for on-campus (with payment) or remote interns..

Interested in Working on Research with Me?

First learn about my current research and publications.

I am always looking for undergraduate, masters, and Ph.D. students who are interested in IoT and/or Machine Learning to work with me. My research goal is to ultimately advance human experience and capabilities. Revolving around this objective, my current research projects focus on emerging applications such as 360 videos, mobile computer vision, virtual reality, and IoT pervasive sensing.

My advising philosophy is to help the students to find their strength and guide them toward their career goals. When a student joins my group, the first critical task for us is to identify appropriate projects together that both parties have the genuine motivation to work on. We will then work closely to understand the state-of-art, propose our design, and validate our ideas. Finally, if everything goes smoothly, we will publish the research results and I will promote my students' work to academic/industry community and help them to develop their careers.

For prospective students, one of the most important traits that I expect is work reliability, i.e., whether or not one can get things done and consistently progress at a sustainable pace. Considering my research in applied computer science, the other most important trait that supports the work reliability is programming skills. In terms of knowledge background, experience in one or more areas in IoT and mobile computing, computer vision, signal and image processing is preferred.

If you are interested, please feel free to contact me and attach your CV. It would be helpful to include the semester you are applying for and any other materials or explanation that can demonstrate your fit with my group.