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Apple's Impact on Society
George Mason University

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As far as the future can tell, Apple will more than likely remain on top. With new technology and innovations every season, Apple continues to set the trend for technology, businesses, and the consumer. Every year a new iPod comes out, one better, faster, smaller, and cheaper than its predecessor. This coming winter, Apple will be releasing a brand new iPod shuffle, one with a small, yet bright, LCD touch screen. It is just one of the many innovative changes that Apple has in store for its next conference. The iPad has outsold anything like it in years past. It’s like nothing else, and has spawned numerous imitators, all of which have not even come close to matching its appeal and technology. Apple’s Macbook has continuously increased in popularity, coming close to surpassing Microsoft based computers. Sales have shown that over the years, the continuing battle between Microsoft and Apple has become a battle that constantly gets closer in competition. The truth of the matter is, Apple has forced itself in the forefront of the computer and music world, leaving behind a trail of technology that rivals even the new things that comes out of rival companies.

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