Executive Summary

Welcome to the Fundamentals of Barbell Back Squats, a guide on the fundamentals needed to perform a barbell back squat. This guide is designed as part of the EDIT 526 Web Accessibility and Design course at George Mason University . Squats in general have a great heath benefit and are personally one of my favorite gym exercises. This activity can be dangerous if it is done incorrectly or if the lifter is not fully hydrated (make sure to drink your H 2O). The goal of this website is to lower the risk of injury by providing the information and resources necessary to perform a proper barbell back squat.


What you will need

Technique Guidelines

The movement begins from a standing position. Generally, weights are used, either by holding dumbbells or kettlebells, or by bracing a barbell across the trapezius muscle or rear deltoid muscle in the upper back. This guide is intended to be used for using a barbell braced across the upper back area. Below is a list of steps in order from start to finish when squatting.

  1. Start with your hips back, and not by bending your knees.
  2. Keep your back straight, with your spine neutral, and your chest and shoulders up.
  3. Keep looking straight ahead at a spot on the wall.
  4. As you squat down, focus on keeping your knees in line with your feet.