Benefits of Squatting

There are many benefits to squatting both physically and mentally. One of the more obvious benefits is how it will physically improve your health. Squats are a full body workout, involving your glutes, hips, abdominals, and upper body (when using weights). By doing squats on a regular basis, you are able to gain muscle, improve your stamina, and better your overall health. Squats can also improve your balance and posture because proper squat form requires good posture. When doing a squat, your spine must remain neutral in order to do it correctly. This posture can then improve your balance and posture, while standing, sitting, and walking. Squatting also helps with mobility. While squatting, you are able to control your range of motion which allows you to slowly increase your mobility in your hips and ankles. Similarly, squatting can be either a low-impact or high-impact exercise and therefore, anyone can do it. Even those who are older or who may have lower bone density can squat and improve their health and lower their chance of future injury. Whether squatting with weights or without, squats improve one’s overall health, posture, and mobility.