Security Concerns


Although it may seem that artificial intelligence has many pros and benefits, there are many instances in which AI has been able to seek confidential information and invade personal privacy. In doing so, this act of invasion has created a dishonest relationship between many users of artificial intelligence and the companies/industries that are interested in the application of AI. An experiment was performed by The Loop, which tested the behavioral aspect of artificial intelligence. As shown in Can Artificial Intelligence Be Safe? “Tay was designed to engage in innocent online small talk. But human Internet trolls soon attacked it and taught it to behave like an Internet troll. Tay was quickly taken offline for further development.” (Can Artificial Intelligence Be Safe? 2017) As a result, the creator of the AI invention was forced to be recalled and reinspected. “Any social learning AI is potentially vulnerable to this type of attack. Designers need to ensure that only trusted teachers have access to the AI, particularly in the critical initial stages of learning before the AI has been taught to be wary of suspicious lessons. The risks can come not only from deliberately malicious users, but also from careless ones who could inadvertently teach the wrong lessons.” (Can Artificial Intelligence Be Safe? 2017) Consequently, many individuals saw the effect of the experiment to be dangerous, thus communicating to many AI users that artificial intelligence can not only adapt and learn but teach others in a negative way. As a result, many users of AI have been biased towards the application of modern technology causing a lack of trust between consumers and artificial intelligence. By trusting AI with the user's confidential information, the users are vulnerable to data breaches, confidential information, and security issues. On the other hand, AI has also been used for data security and being able to detect viruses, hackers, and other dangers towards the user's information. The security feature that artificial intelligence provides, by being able to learn and adapt to situations at a much faster pace than a normal human can, plays a particularly significant role throughout business and industries that work on an international spectrum. With today’s generation using global transactions/foreign trade it can be important to consider having high quality digital security. As many of these breaches and hacks will significantly impact the political and economic state of many places. As artificial intelligence becomes a relevant topic in today’s generation, the idea of security and development of AI has become exceedingly popular. This results in a need for better and stronger security when dealing with the privacy of digital information. As we look forward to the future, security becomes less and less a worry and more of a priority for many of the users of artificial intelligence. Which is why the security sector is a very vital part when trying to achieve technological progression