Ethical and Social Implications


Ethical Implication: With the ethical concerns of artificial intelligence, many sources and research have said there is a major concern about privacy, respect, and justice. This is because the users online are vulnerable to invasion of these concerns resulting in an eruption of conversion for the ethical use of AI. As we progress with the development of AI, artificial intelligence has become safer for all users and allows for transparency of all parties. This in turn, allows AI to provide reassurance of the user's safety and their classified information.With the application of artificial intelligence, it is important for many of the users, businesses, and industries to consider the legal consequences of implementing AI. Research based on The legal challenges of Artificial Intelligence states that there are 5 main legal challenges that challenge AI for businesses. These challenges include Liability, AI personhood, Protection of data privacy & private life, intellectual property rights, agreements, and competition laws (The legal challenges of Artificial Intelligence 2020) These challenges faced by companies are heavily considered because by embracing the challenges of AI and finding solutions abiding by the laws and regulations. Companies who intend to use AI are flourishing because of the opportunities that artificial intelligence has brought.

Social Implications: After the event of Covid-19 happening and having everything shut down; the development of AI has allowed societal progression to occur. As stated on Artificial Intelligence and cybersecurity: What the future holds, “On one hand, many people support the idea that AI improves the quality of life by making many complicated processes and tasks easier, safer, more efficient, and sometimes even better than humans themselves. On the other side, others argue that AI poses serious privacy risks, costs a lot, increases unemployment, and other ethical concerns.” With artificial intelligence having both pros and cons, when it comes down to social implications, it increases the quality of life. As this is shown throughout history by humans' adaptation towards technology and being able to implement it into their daily life thus making their lifestyle efficient. This idea of adaptation and efficiency has been shown to create progression and development amongst society.Additionally, although there is no definite answer on whether artificial intelligence is beneficial towards society change, it can be inferred that since post Covid-19, AI has allowed for many opportunities such as jobs and telecommunication across international borders thus presenting the idea that AI has had a superior societal impact