The healthcare organization that can completely rethink and redesign their workflows and
procedures and apply machines learning and AI to build a truly intelligent health. System
will be the most successful.
Another innovation relating to the location of such care has
been made in conjunction with predictive care, in 2030, a hospital is no longer a single
large structure that treats a wide range of illnesses; rather it concentrates care on the
critically ill and highly complex procedures with less urgent cases being monitored and
treated via smaller hubs and spokes, including retail clinics, same day surgery centers,
specialist treatment clinics, and even peoples' homes (Kriwet, Carla. 2020, January 7).
Personalized treatment that considers patients' genetic makeup and medical history will
become more and more feasible as a result of Artificial intelligence ability to manage big
datasets. Considering the continued development of technological advance, AI is
anticipated to hold an exciting future and become increasingly popular. It will likely
affect a variety of fields, like financial services, healthcare, and transportation. The job
marketplace is going to shift an outcome to AI-driven technology.