Wikipedia Foundation. (2023, September 15). Artificial Intelligence. Wikipedia. Retrieved on: 09/15/2023.
Wikipedia is an excellent resource that combines number of general instructions guidelines.
that build up the main points of my topic and highlighted the connection between information,
technology (Artificial intelligence) and the healthcare system. Wikipedia assist me to analyze the
background of artificial intelligence in historical and philosophical point of view.
AI for Business: Berkeley Exec Ed Online Program. AI for Business | Berkeley Exec Ed
Online Program. (n.d.).
8bc70f99df5bb. Retrieved on: 09/12/2023
Artificial intelligence for business is anticipated as a result of the unexpected ways in which
AI is transforming conventional business paradigms, offering predictive insights, and optimizing.
supply chain management (AI for Business, Berkeley).
Tiribelli, Simona,Ph.D., Monnot, Annabelle, MSc, Shah, Syed F H, BA, MB, BChir,
Arora, Anmol, MB, BChir, Toong, Ping J, American Journal of Public Health, Washington.
(May, 2023). “Ethics principles for artificial intelligence–based telemedicine for Public
Health.” American Journal of Public Health, vol. 113, no. 5, 2023, pp. 577–
=14541. Retrieved on: 09/15/2023.
Picking up Telemedicine helped me to compare everything happened in front of me
especially during tough times, such as Pandemic (Covid- 19) and now, were universal medical.
Artificial Intelligence in the Healthcare Industry.
This condition become better and safer.Telemedicine helped me a lot during that time. Because I was
not apple to take my parents to their doctors’ appointments in person. However, they had not
miss their medical appointments and further diagnostic and treatments using telemedicine.
Zheng, Dan, He, Xiujing, Jing, Jing, Journal of Clinical Medicine. (2023). “Overview of
Artificial Intelligence in Breast Cancer" . 791CE4A3641C2PQ/3?accountid=14541 . Retrieved on: 09/15/2023.
I added this important article to my research paper to evaluate the fantastic performance of
Artificial intelligence in medical diagnosis and how can safe life and improve care for
many patients. Cancer diagnosis is very complicated both for doctors and patients. With
AI doctors can identify the place and size of the cancer and give an accurate diagnosis,
while cancer is still in its early stages. Images such as Mammogram can illustrate if there is an
evidence or sign of breast cancer. The faster we discover it, the better prognose will be.
Quinn, Angela. (2023)“ Expanding Autism Treatment Through Social Robotics: Prospective
Solution in Clinical Therapy",Pacific University ProQuest Dissertations
Publishing . Retrieved on: 09/15/2023.
I believe that I need to mention how children with autism are struggling to communicate.
Because they cannot modify their behavior to meet the emotional and cognitive needs of other
people. Here comes the benefits of social robots to develop social appropriateness and emotion.
via storytelling, physical interaction, and visual communication.
The purpose of this abstract is to dive into the study’s findings to determine if social robots in
Medical treatment for autistic people is important. Despite describing, why autism affects the
functioning of the brain and the beneficial effects that are associated with social robots.
Müller, V. C. (2020, April 30). Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved on: 09/13/2023.
The ethics of AI and robots have witnessed an increasing amount nowadays. Stimulation
further studies and proceeds the possibility of weakening the field as the media coverage,
regularly focusing on the issues and concerning about what future generations is going to
Bring us. However, we should all understand before coming up with any new idea and ask
an important question, what is the best for humanity and the better way to accomplish it.
McKeon, J. (2021, December 1). Security, privacy risks of artificial intelligence in
Healthcare. HealthITSecurity.
of-artificial-intelligence-in-healthcare . Retrieved on: 09/12/2023
Artificial intelligence in healthcare industry can be particularly beneficial for the healthcare
settings in a many different types. Nevertheless, there are plenty of concerns regarding the way
we influence artificial intelligence. Even though, the potential benefits of using AI might
strongly exceed its safety and privacy dangers, medical facilities should always consider and
address these risks in developing cybersecurity policies and ensuring HIPAA privacy
Kriwet, Carla. (2020, January 7) Here are 3 ways AI will change healthcare by 2030. World
Economic Forum. (n.d.).
intelligence-healthcare- delivery/. Retrieved on: 09/13/2023.
The article shows that by 2030, Artificial intelligence is going to use an assortment of data
sources in order to detect patterns of disease and boost medical treatment and care. Healthcare
industry is going to be enabled to predict a person’s susceptibility towards illnesses and
offer preventative services. AI is going to help with decreasing wait time for patients and
improving hospitals as well as healthcare system productivity.
Vellido, A. (2019, February). Societal issues concerning the application of Artificial
Intelligence in medicine. Kidney diseases (Basel, Switzerland). Retrieved on: 09/13/2023.
Despite standard statistical techniques, AI generates lots of attention in the study of medical
information since healthcare grows toward an academic discipline, which is progressively data.
driven (Vellido, A. 2019, February). Nowadays, I see that a lot of physicians are totally relying
on artificial intelligence almost in every single medical decision and this could really impact
patients's health. Moreover, can cause anxiety, stress, and even unexpected serious medical
diagnostic and treatment errors.
Silva, M. D., Horsley, T., Singh, D., Silva, E. D., Ly, V., Thomas, B., Daniel, R. C., Chagal-
Feferkorn, K. A., Iantomasi, S., White, K., Kent, A., & Flood, C. M. (2022, June 17).
Legal concerns in health-related Artificial Intelligence: A scoping review protocol -
systematic reviews. BioMed Central. Retrieved on 09/13/2023
In this abstract, after the depth study, researchers (Arksey, O’Malley) came up with conclusion
that shows no legal issues associated with AI- related health consequences. Adopting scoping
review approach, they desire to summarize and describe the literature investigating legal
problems in health- related issues occur after applying artificial intelligence.