Sustaining the Future



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Politics and Interests

Presidential Candidates Lay Groundwork for Environmental Platforms
By Cat Lazaroff

WASHINGTON, DC, October 21, 1999 (ENS) - Vice President Al Gore announced today that, if elected President next year, he would put a stop to all oil drilling in federal waters off the coasts of California and Florida, and any other state where citizens oppose drilling. The announcement was part of a wave of environmental pledges made this week by Gore, Democrat opponent Bill Bradley, and Republican candidate George W. Bush, in a campaign that seems increasingly influenced by environmental issues
. Speaking at the Seacoast Science Center in New Hampshire, Gore pledged to end oil drilling wherever state officials and citizens decide the drilling is incompatible with the environmental and economic health of coastal regions.
"I will take the most sweeping steps in our history to protect our oceans and coastal waters from offshore oil drilling," Al Gore said. "I will make sure that there is no new oil leasing off the coasts of California and Florida. And then I will go much further: I will do everything in my power to make sure that there is no new drilling off these sensitive coasts - even in areas already leased for drilling by previous administrations."

Washinton Post Article dated April 28, 2002
On Earth Day, Bush v. Gore
Clash on Environmental Policy Evokes 2000 Battle
the whole article would appear. These are just excerps....Gore also accused the administration of promoting an energy policy that foavors oil and gas exploration instead of pushing aggressively for alternative energy sources, which he said could free the United States from dependence on foreign oil.

...Leaders of a dozen enviromental groups and singer-activit Bonnie Raitt staged an Earth Day event in Washington with the theme: "Tell the Bush administration not to let big business trample our environmental laws."....

View Editorial Comment " Why We Can't Drill Our Way to Energy Independence. (link to article on dependency of U.S. on outside oil)