Sustaining the Future



v Preservation of Nature

Environmental Health v Economic Health

Political Interests v Human Interests

Dependency v Independency of Natural Resources



Discussion Forum

Oil Drilling in National Wildlife Refuge Celilo Dam in Portland Oregon Baia-Mare Gold Mine in Romania Natural Gas Pipeline in Brazil Oil-Dry Mining Company in Nevada

Here the learner will read several accounts from environmental groups or from people concerned with the environmental impact oil drilling in the Arctic as well as view points from people interested in the creation of jobs.


Learn the facts about the Arctic.

Our Search for Truth (video)

View a video a produced by environmentally concerned high school students who interviewed residents of large towns and small Indian villages, governmental employees, and environmentalists. Authors stated, "We learn that "truth" varies greatly depending upon where you find it and that most of the local residents want development because it brings more money."

On the other hand:

. Revenues to the State and Federal Treasury Federal revenues would be enhanced by billions of dollars from bonus bids, lease rentals, royalties and taxes. Estimates in 1995 on bonus bids alone were $2.6 billion.

Jobs To Be Created Between 250,000 and 735,000 jobs are estimated to be created by development of the Coastal Plain.

Economic Impact Between 1980 and 1994, North Slope oil field development and production activity contributed over $50 billion to the nations economy, directly impacting each state in the union.