Sustaining the Future



v Preservation of Nature

Environmental Health v Economic Health

Political Interests v Human Interests

Dependency v Independency of Natural Resources



Discussion Forum

Oil Drilling in National Wildlife Refuge Celilo Dam in Portland Oregon Baia-Mare Gold Mine in Romania Natural Gas Pipeline in Brazil Oil-Dry Mining Company in Nevada

Dependency v Independency on Oil from Other Countries

America's Best Chance for a Major Discovery The Coastal Plain of ANWR is America's best possibility for the discovery of another giant "Prudhoe Bay-sized" oil and gas discovery in North America. U.S. Department of Interior estimates range from 9 to 16 billion barrels of recoverable oil.

Imported Oil too Costly The U.S. imports over 55% of the nation's needed petroleum. These oil imports cost more than $55.1 billion a year (this figure does not include the military costs of protecting that imported supply). These figures are rising and could exceed 65% by the year 2005.

(information on...)