A Positive Approach to Creating Future Team Leaders & Project Managers

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Apprentice's Area

This area is for the personal use of the apprentice that logged in. To the left you can see the various actions each apprentice can take to make the personalize the learning experience.

  • Edit Your Journal - Apprentice may add content to, edit, or delete portions of her/her learning journal.

  • View Your Profile - This is a view only version of the apprentice's profile and this file is available for others to view as well.

  • Edit Your Profile - Apprentice may keep his/her profile up to date.

  • Edit Team Calendar - Apprentice is part of a learning team and is involved in the day-to-day workings of that experience.

  • Create a Video Model - Apprentice may have a learning video model he/she wishes to submit. This action may be taken from here or within the Models area.
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Site Updated: April 27, 2002