Dr. Parsa is an invited speaker at the IEEE Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) Special Session on Low Power Autonomous and Smart Systems.
Shay Snyder will present a poster on “Evolved Spiking Neural Networks for SWaP-Constrained Autonomous Agents” at Neuro-Inspired Computational Elements Conference.
Shay Snyder will present a poster on “Zespol: A Lightweight Environment for Training Swarming Agents” at Neuro-Inspired Computational Elements Conference.
PRL received a grant from U.S. Army’s Automotive Research Center for work in Multi-Phase Vector Symbolic Architectures for Distributed and Collective Intelligence in Multi-Agent Autonomous Systems ($126,000 per year).
PRL received a gift from Leidos for collaboration on neuromorphic computing, algorithms and applications ($10,000).
Dr. Parsa was an invited speaker at the Intel Neuromorphic Research Community (INRC) Forum.
Shay Snyder’s work on Lava-BayesianOptimization was merged to Intel’s Lava Optimization library and was officially the first external contribution to this library.
Dr. Parsa was an invited speaker at the Laboratory for Applied Mathematics, Numerical Software, and Statistics at Argonne National Laboratory.
Dr. Parsa was an invited speaker at The Center for Neural Informatics, Neural Structures, and Neural Plasticity (CN3).
Dr. Parsa was invited to join Institute for Digital Innovation (IDIA).
Dr. Parsa was invited to join “Center for Trusted, Accelerated, and Secure Computing and Communication (C-TASC)”
PRL received a three-year grant from Intel Corporation (INRC) for "Learning Neuromorphic Physics-Informed Stochastic Regions of Attraction through Bayesian Optimization" ($194,616).
Dr. Parsa received best paper award for "Accurate and Accelerated Neuromorphic Network Design Leveraging a Bayesian Hyperparameter Pareto Optimization Approach", International Conference on Neuromorphic Computing (ICONS).
Dr. Parsa received best paper award for "Avoiding Excess Computation in Asynchronous Evolutionary Algorithms", UK Workshop on Computational Intelligence (UKCI).
Dr. Parsa was invited to serve on the program committee at the TinyML Research Symposium.
Dr. Parsa was invited as panelist during the annual Oak Ridge National Laboratory postdoc appreciation week.
Dr. Parsa was invited to serve as review editor for Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience.
Dr. Parsa was invited to serve as review editor for Frontiers in Neuromorphic Engineering.
Dr. Parsa was invited to serve on the technical program committee in GLSVLSI.
Dr. Parsa served as a member of the Hardware Track Review Committee at Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC).
Dr. Parsawas invited to serve as reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems.
Dr. Parsa was invited to serve as a reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices.
Dr. Parsa was invited to serve as reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems.
Dr. Parsa was invited to serve on the organizing committee and program committee at International Conference on Neuromorphic Systems (ICONS).
Dr. Parsa received ORNL Advanced Short-Term Research Opportunity (ASTRO) PhD fellowship. 2019 - 2020
Dr. Parsa received a prestigious four-year Intel/SRCEA PhD fellowship from Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC). 2015 - 2020
2013 - 2018
Dr. Parsa received student presentation award at TECHCON. 2018
Dr. Parsa awarded with women in engineering travel grant. 2018
Dr. Parsa won the Ross fellowship at Purdue university. 2013 - 2015
Dr. Parsa received first place IEEE award in university of Ottawa poster competition. 2013